Cyber Threat Intelligence




    Network Security (Network Access Control)

    Antivirus/Antimalware Solutions

    SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response)

    Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)

    Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) & Identity Management

    Cloud Security

    Resource and Data Protection

    Risk and Compliance Management

    IoT Security

    Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity / Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

    Intrusion Detection/Prevention System (IDS/IPS)

    Identity and Access Management (IAM)

    Security Information & Event management (SIEM)

    Please select at least one option.*

    US$ 10K - US$ 50K

    US$ 50K - US$ 200K

    US$ 200K - US$ 500K

    US$ 500K - US$ 1M

    US$ 1M and above

    0 - 3 months

    3 - 6 months

    6 - 12 months

    Above 12 months

    Final decision maker

    One of the final decision makers

    I refer and influence the decision

    I’m not involved at all

    Please prove you are human by selecting the heart.


    IGR Events (Innovative Global Resource) we are a team of seasoned, highly experienced industry professionals committed towards delivering the best global standards with each event and have collectively more than 30 years of experience. The diversity of our backgrounds, knowledge and experience helps us resolve challenges that every business faces.

    We are founded on the common intention to customize a platform for the business houses wherein they get a variety of options to choose from our wide range of Private Board Rooms, Webinars, Certified Trainings, and In-Person & Virtual Conferences and Exhibitions to choose from as per their need.

    B2B Event Management Company

    B2B Event Management Company


    IGR Events (Innovative Global Resource) we are a team of seasoned, highly experienced industry professionals committed towards delivering the best global standards with each event and have collectively more than 30 years of experience. The diversity of our backgrounds, knowledge and experience helps us resolve challenges that every business faces.

    We are founded on the common intention to customize a platform for the business houses wherein they get a variety of options to choose from our wide range of Private Board Rooms, Webinars, Certified Trainings, and In-Person & Virtual Conferences and Exhibitions to choose from as per their need.

    Copyright 2024 IGR Events Private Limited. All Rights Reserved.